Results for 'Estela María Fernández Nadal'

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  1. Unidad continental y democracia social en el pensamiento latinoamericano del siglo XIX.Estela María Fernández Nadal - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 53 (2):9-10.
    El trabajo propone un recorrido por la historia hispanoamericana del siglo XIX, a fin de recuperar para la reflexión presente las formulaciones más destacadas de la vastísima tradición intelectual de la unidad continental, así como también los antecedentes, menos prolíficos pero no por ello menos importantes, de una teoría de la democracia en un sentido amplio, popular y participativo. El cruce de estas dos vertientes del pensamiento de nuestra América constituye en conjunto un programa identitario que todavía nos interpela y (...)
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  2. A propósito de la Historia de las Ideas Latinoamericanas.Estela Fernández-Nadal - 1999 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 4 (6-9):7-31.
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    La persistente mirada de Hinkelammert sobre los fenómenos de la conciencia social.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2005 - Polis 10.
    La autora presenta al “Estado de derecho” como un campo de lucha. Desde arriba, se busca conferirle ese estatuto al nuevo poder mundial, correlato y brazo político-militar de las burocracias privadas. Es la estrategia de globalización –que reduce la democracia a puro procedimentalismo formalista- y que no puede sino generar desde abajo resistencias mundiales: resistencias programáticas y organizadas que buscan construir otro mundo posible, por un lado, y por otro lado resistencias irracionales, sin capacidad de articulación política. La autora recorre (...)
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    Memoria, identidad, poder. Francisco Bilbao y las filosofías de la historia de los vencedores.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2005 - Polis 12.
    La figura del chileno Francisco Bilbao (1823-1865), como pensador americanista y crítico de las filosofías de la historia eurocentristas, constituye el hilo central de este análisis. La autora expone los elementos claves de la crítica de Bilbao respecto de los sistemas de pensamiento que promueven una aceptación pasiva del pasado y el presente como un designio de la Providencia o bien del Progreso. Se develan las lógicas que existen tras las distintas versiones de la filosofía de la historia, como teoría (...)
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    Michael Heinrich, Crítica de la economía política. Una introducción a El Capital de Marx, Traducción y prólogo de César Ruiz Sanjuán, Escolar y Mayo Editores, Madrid, 2008, 240 p. [REVIEW]Estela Fernández Nadal - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    El libro de Michael Heinrich tiene el doble mérito de presentar una mediación de la obra cumbre de Karl Marx, redactada en un lenguaje claro y accesible, y de proponer, al mismo tiempo, una interpretación densa y erudita del famoso texto. El autor no sólo evita las simplificaciones y los esquematismos, sino que incluso se interna por las complejidades y paradojas del pensamiento marxiano, que han dado origen a discusiones y polémicas nunca saldadas, y nos ofrece siempre una posición argumenta..
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    Arturo Roig: Maestro de los saberes.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):5-6.
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    El humanismo latinoamericanista de Arturo Andrés Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):11-26.
    El trabajo analiza la obra del filósofo Arturo Andrés Roig, recientemente fallecido, desde la perspectiva del humanismo latinoamericano, corriente de pensamiento crítico de fuerte presencia en América Latina. El núcleo de la propuesta teórica de Roig está dado por la problemática del sujeto o, como ..
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    El pensamiento de Franz Hinkelammert desde la perspectiva de una filosofía latinoamericana.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (12):50-63.
    Apartir de una revisión de la definición tradicional de la filosofía y de una crítica de sus supuestos, el artículo propone una formulación del quehacer filosófico latinoamericano acorde a las exigencias de una agenda teórica y práctica actual. A continuación se valora el aporte de Franz Hinke..
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    Mercado global y ciudadanía civil. La recuperación del horizonte de la emancipación humana en la filosofía política de Franz Hinkelammert.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):9-33.
    Based on a crit i cal analisis of the fun da - men tal works of Hinkelammert, an at tempt is made to sys tem atize his eth i cal and po lit i cal thoughts in ref er ence to the op po si tion be tween “global mar ket/civic cit i zen ship”. The ef fort to re cover the lib er tar ian potencial in ..
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    Reseña "El Pensamiento latinoamericano y su aventura" de Arturo Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):141-145.
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    Reseña "Rostro y Filosofía de América Latina" de Arturo Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal & Alejandra Ciriza - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):134-137.
  12.  42
    Estela Fernández Nadal y Gustavo David Silnik, Teología profana y pensamiento crítico. Conversaciones con Franz Hinkelammert, CICCUS/CLACSO, Colección Secretaría Ejecutiva, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012, 188 p. [REVIEW]Guillermo Barón - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Durante todo el último medio siglo Franz Hinkelammert ha venido representado uno de los manantiales inagotables en los que abreva el pensamiento crítico latinoamericano. Su creatividad y profundo desprejuicio frente a las absurdas normas de producción de conocimiento en la sociedad occidental y capitalista, le han permitido formular una de las impugnaciones más contundentes de la globalización neoliberal. Era necesario entonces un trabajo que diera cuenta de los avatares de su biografía, tant..
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  13. Angel González Alvarez: Filosofía De La Educación.Maria Fernández Serrano & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (45):307.
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  14. F. J. J. Buytendijk: Phénomenologie De La Rencontre.Maria Fernández Serrano & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (45):310.
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    Returning incidental findings from genetic research to children: views of parents of children affected by rare diseases.Erika Kleiderman, Bartha Maria Knoppers, Conrad V. Fernandez, Kym M. Boycott, Gail Ouellette, Durhane Wong-Rieger, Shelin Adam, Julie Richer & Denise Avard - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):691-696.
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    How Well Have Social Economy Financial Institutions Performed During the Crisis Period? Exploring Financial and Social Efficiency in Spanish Credit Unions.María Pilar Sierra-Fernández, Yolanda Fernández-Santos & Almudena Martínez-Campillo - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):319-336.
    As Social Economy financial institutions, credit unions have traditionally been considered less efficient than traditional banking entities. However, like banks and savings banks, they have to be as efficient and competitive as possible to survive in today’s business environment, especially at times of crisis. To date, there have been very few studies on their efficiency and practically none for the crisis period. Moreover, almost all the existing studies assess only financial efficiency, without considering their social function. This study examines the (...)
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    London taxi drivers exploit neighbourhood boundaries for hierarchical route planning.Eva-Maria Griesbauer, Pablo Fernandez Velasco, Antoine Coutrot, Jan M. Wiener, Jeremy G. Morley, Daniel McNamee, Ed Manley & Hugo J. Spiers - 2025 - Cognition 256 (C):106014.
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    Corrigendum: Comparison of Personal, Social and Academic Variables Related to University Drop-out and Persistence.Ana Bernardo, María Esteban, Estrella Fernández, Antonio Cervero, Ellián Tuero & Paula Solano - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  19. Los caminos de la modernización.Ligia María Fadul & Fátima Fernández - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
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    Perspectiva de la Iglesia ante el estado de la cuestión educativa en Andalucía.José María Fernández Rodríguez - 2023 - Isidorianum 18 (35):219-240.
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    Reseña de "Crítica de la economía política. Una introducción a El Capital de Marx" de Michael HEINRICH.Estela Fernández Nada - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45):143-145.
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    Derecho y neurociencia.Marcos Nadal, Gisèle Marty, Camilo José Cela Conde, Miguel Ángel Capó & Atahualpa Fernández - 2005 - Ludus Vitalis 13 (23):131-138.
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    Culture moderates the relationship between self-control ability and free will beliefs in childhood.Xin Zhao, Adrienne Wente, María Fernández Flecha, Denise Segovia Galvan, Alison Gopnik & Tamar Kushnir - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104609.
    We investigate individual, developmental, and cultural differences in self-control in relation to children's changing belief in “free will” – the possibility of acting against and inhibiting strong desires. In three studies, 4- to 8-year-olds in the U.S., China, Singapore, and Peru (N = 441) answered questions to gauge their belief in free will and completed a series of self-control and inhibitory control tasks. Children across all four cultures showed predictable age-related improvements in self-control, as well as changes in their free (...)
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    De como as práticas do conselho tutelar vêm se tornando jurisdicionais.Maria Lívia do Nascimento & Estela Scheinvar - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:152-162.
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    COVID-19 and Stressful Adjustment to Work: A Long-Term Prospective Study About Homeworking for Bank Employees in Italy.Maria Donata Orfei, Desirée Estela Porcari, Sonia D’Arcangelo, Francesca Maggi, Dario Russignaga, Nicola Lattanzi, Andrea Patricelli Malizia & Emiliano Ricciardi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 evolution has forced the massive introduction of homeworking for most employees in the initial stages of the pandemic and then return to work, mainly due to the vaccination campaign. These multiple abrupt adjustment demands in work may be a source of intense stress for office workers with consequences on wellbeing and the quality of life. This long-term prospective study aimed at investigating the effect of adaptation demands on a broad population of employees of a large Italian banking group (...)
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    Enunciation and narration: World and text.José Maria Nadal - 1990 - Semiotica 81 (3-4):357-384.
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    Las relaciones entre Política y Religión en el platonismo farabiano.Luis Xavier López Farjeat & María Fernández Aragón - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 24 (1):161-184.
    The authors present some remarks on Al- Farabi's reception and understanding of Platonic Dialogues, especially according to "The Philosophy of Plato". In this treatise, Al- Farabi intends to show how politics were meant to be the leitmotiv of Plato's writings. He also discusses the argumentative and cognitive relations that exist between Political Science, Philosophy and Religion. As the statesman is engaged in pedagogical functions, he is urged to have some discursive abilities —besides the speculative knowledge of the first principles— for (...)
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    La evaluación del impacto de los resultados científicos. Metodologías y niveles de análisis.Jorge Lozano Casanova, Rita María Saavedra Roche & Neyda Fernández Franch - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (1):99-117.
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  29. Neuroética. Derecho y neurociencia.Miguel Ángel Capó, Marcos Nadal, Carlos Ramos, Atahualpa Fernández & Camilo José Cela Conde - 2006 - Ludus Vitalis 14 (25):163-176.
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  30. Decadencia de España y tiempo histórico en el pensamiento de Saavedra Fajardo.Maria Estela Lepori de Pithod - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:125-140.
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  31. Introducción a la calidad de software.Ana Maria L. Pez Echeverry, Cesar Cabrera & Luz Estela Valencia Ayala - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Propuesta de responsabilidad social para fomentar una cultura de paz.Nancy Estela Grajales Montoya, Hugo Nelson Castañeda Ruiz, Ángela María Gómez Osorio, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Rico, Natalia Baena Robledo & Martha Lucía Correa Roldán - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):157-182.
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    Afinidad entre semejantes: sentido y proyección de una paroimía homérica (od. 17.218).María Estela Guevara de Alvarez - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:59-75.
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    Decadencia de España y tiempo histórico en el pensamiento de Saavedra Fajardo.María Estela Lepori de Pithod - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:125-139.
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    Introducción a la calidad de software.Ana María López Echeverry, César Cabrera & Luz Estela Valencia Ayala - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Stereophonie der Autobiographiestereophonic Autobiography. Concept and Model of Autobiographies Written by Couples Using the Example of María Teresa León and Rafael Alberti: Autobiographisches Schreiben von Paaren Am Beispiel von María Teresa León Und Rafael Alberti.Maria Teresa Quirós Fernández - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
    Die Studie zeigt, dass Autobiographien weit mehr sind als individuelle Lebensentwürfe. Vor allem Autobiographien von Paaren zeugen von den Schnittstellen gemeinsamen Lebens und Schreibens. Sie bieten sich in herausragender Weise an, die Zweistimmigkeit im Leben und Schreiben von Paaren in den Blick zu nehmen und relationale Dimensionen des Lebens in kreativen Schaffensprozessen als ethisches und ästhetisches Moment wahrzunehmen. Dem komplexen Beziehungsgeflecht von Autobiographien wird hier am Beispiel des bekannten spanischen Schriftstellerpaares María Teresa León und Rafael Alberti nachgespürt. Über die (...)
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    (1 other version)Anxiety and Emotional Intelligence: Comparisons Between Combat Sports, Gender and Levels Using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale and the Inventory of Situations and Anxiety Response.María Merino Fernández, Ciro José Brito, Bianca Miarka & Alfonso Lopéz Díaz-de-Durana - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Motherhood, mothering and care among Mongolian herder women.María E. Fernández-Giménez, Tugsbuyan Bayarbat, Chantsallkham Jamsranjav & Tungalag Ulambayar - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    As interest in women’s roles in agriculture increases, research on women livestock-keepers remains limited. Advances in feminist scholarship highlight farming women’s dual roles in agricultural production and biological and socio-cultural reproduction, including women’s uncompensated labor in child-bearing, child-rearing and home-making. To expand knowledge about women pastoralists’ lived experiences, we conducted life-history interviews with 25 herder women in two regions of Mongolia, following-up with participatory workshops in each region. As mothering and carework emerged as key themes, we drew on feminist care (...)
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    What can María Zambrano contribute to mediation and to the philosophy of mediation?Helena Nadal Sánchez - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (7):925-936.
    ABSTRACTFrom a specific point of view, mediation is the process whereby a third party helps to change their attitude from an adversarial one to a collaborative one which allows them to work together in finding and creating solutions to their conflict. Mediation deals with conflict from its own perspective and it has its own status as a dispute resolution process in the systems of justice, where it is recognized. The Philosophy of Mediation has been developing as a discipline, which analyses (...)
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    How work setting and job experience affect professional nurses’ values.Ana Fernández-Feito, María del Rosario Palmeiro-Longo, Salomé Basurto Hoyuelos & Vanesa García-Díaz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):134-147.
    Background: The development of professional values in nursing is directly related to quality and ethical clinical practise and may also increase practitioner and patients’ satisfaction. Some factors, such as work setting or work experience, can influence the importance granted to the professional values of nursing. Objectives: To compare in primary care nurses and hospital care nurses the importance granted to professional values and to contrast this perception as a function of professional experience. Research design, participants and research context: Descriptive cross-sectional (...)
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    Teachers’ Affective Well-being and Teaching Experience: The Protective Role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence.Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, María J. Gutiérrez-Cobo, Juan Rodriguez-Corrales & Rosario Cabello - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Towards a theory of pastoralist and rancher identity: insights for understanding livestock systems in transformation.María E. Fernández-Giménez & Hailey Wilmer - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    This article outlines a middle-range theory of pastoralist/rancher identity, offering a framework for analyzing the meanings, symbols, and practices associated with four interrelated dimensions of pastoralist identity: identification with livestock, place, family and community, and occupation. Poetic analysis of interviews from pastoral systems in transition in Mongolia’s Khangai and Gobi regions, the Spanish Pyrenees, and Colorado, USA shows how theorizing pastoralist identity, animated by place-based knowledge and emotion, may support deeper understanding of livestock-keepers’ social conflicts and responses to change. Even (...)
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    Synesthesia in Contemporary Music.María Luz Rivera Fernández - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):197-204.
    In this work we present the complex relationship between sound and color in musical creation throughout history that continues to be fruitful in current musical composition. Synesthesia in music establishes a correspondence between sound and color and has been a constant debate since the 17th century. The complex nature of sound appears from ancient Greece in the school of Pythagoras in which the number becomes the configurator of harmony. Since then, different aesthetic attempts have arisen to relate color and sound (...)
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  44. Family witnessed resuscitation and invasive procedures: Patient and family opinions.Eva de Mingo Fernández, Guillermina Medina Martín & María Jiménez Herrera - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):645-655.
    Background: Family presence during invasive procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (FPDR) is a highly controversial issue, with divergence of opinion among health professionals, with clinical evidence in favor, and with barriers to its implementation in comprehensive patient care. Many international organizations support health policies for its implementation, but it is not a widespread practice. Little research has been conducted on this subject from the perspective of patients and families. Objective: To learn opinions, perceptions, and desires of family members and patients in (...)
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    Managing Teachers' Job Attitudes: The Potential Benefits of Being a Happy and Emotional Intelligent Teacher.María Angeles Peláez-Fernández, Sergio Mérida-López, Nicolás Sánchez-Álvarez & Natalio Extremera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    According to the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, the frequency of positive emotions is associated with the development of positive attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors in organizational contexts. However, positive and negative attitudes at work might also be influenced by different personal and job resources. While emotional intelligence has been significantly associated with positive job attitudes and personal well-being, no studies have yet examined the joint role of teacher happiness and emotional intelligence in key teacher job attitudes. The present study assesses (...)
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    What Academic Factors Influence Satisfaction With Clinical Practice in Nursing Students? Regressions vs. fsQCA.David Fernández-García, María Del Carmen Giménez-Espert, Elena Castellano-Rioja & Vicente Prado-Gascó - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Clinical practices are considered one of the cornerstones in nurses' education. This study provides a framework to determine how factors in the academic environment, influence nursing student's satisfaction with their practices. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in a convenience sample of 574 nursing students at a private university in Valencia, during the 2016/2017 academic year, 79% were women. Two statistical methodologies were used for data analysis: hierarchical regression models and fuzzy sets qualitative comparative analysis. The HRM indicate that the (...)
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    The Emotional Impact of Journalistic Images Depicting Natural Disasters on Affected Populations.María Dolores Meneses-Fernández & Juan Martínez Torvisco - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (4):279-294.
    This study analyses journalistic images of the volcanic eruption of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) in 2021. We prioritized the perspective of image reception to find out the audience”s feelings and level of satisfaction. We also investigated the application of ethical recommendations and the presence of new trends in journalism in the coverage of this natural disaster. We surveyed a sample of individuals who were asked about their feelings, emotions, and level of satisfaction with the journalistic images of the event. (...)
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  48. From What Age Is Mental Rotation Training Effective? Differences in Preschool Age but Not in Sex.Laura M. Fernández-Méndez, María José Contreras & M. Rosa Elosúa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Zambrano e Dieste: unha amizade na "Hora de España".María Leyra Fernández Labandera - 2014 - Agora 33 (1).
    Se aborda la relación entre María Zambrano y Rafael Dieste desde espacios vivenciales y literarios. Ambos autores participaron en las Misiones Pedagógicas, actividad enmarcada en la España de la II República. Ocupación en la que trasladan al pueblo la necesidad de una educación transformadora. Distanciados del intelectualismo de los institucionalistas, se acercan al pueblo buscando un lugar de encuentro, de un camino por el cual transitar intercambiando experiencias y sentires. En cuanto al espacio literario, tenemos que señalar especialmente la (...)
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    Defining dignity in end-of-life care in the emergency department.Cayetano Fernández-Sola, María Mar Díaz Cortés, José Manuel Hernández-Padilla, Cayetano José Aranda Torres, José María Muñoz Terrón & José Granero-Molina - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):20-32.
    Background: Respecting dignity is having a profound effect on the clinical relationship and the care framework for terminally ill patients in palliative care units, hospices and their own homes, with particular consequences for the emergency department. However, dignity is a vague and multifaceted concept that is difficult to measure. Objective: The aim of this study is to define the attributes of dignity in end-of-life care in the emergency department, based on the opinions of physicians and nurses. Research design: A hermeneutic (...)
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